Mediation of ICT in Representative Music Groups of the Lumen Gentium Catholic University Foundation - Unicatólica. A significant experience

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Diego Armando Londoño Calvera
Sugeys Andrea Palacios Mina
Lina Lindsay Tenorio Ramírez


ICT, education, significant experiences, systematization


This article presents the work carried out in a process of characterization and systematization of a significant experience mediated by ICT in representative musical groups of the Lumen Gentium Catholic University Foundation - Unicatólica. It is developed in the context of university welfare and is led by the teacher director representative groups of music, who has achieved, through this experience, develop meaningful learning with their students, in addition to a very good practice, incorporating different strategies that They helped him achieve the objectives set.

The methodology of the research was descriptive, with an approach that included quantitative and qualitative aspects, and under the case study method. Three data collection instruments were designed: field diaries (observation), semi-structured interviews and Likert-type surveys. At the end, positive results were obtained regarding the use of ICT and how these are a fundamental factor in the success of the experience.

It is highlighted how the learning process in these groups, has not only technical and instrumental benefits, but also pedagogical, and that they are recognized by the participants themselves, which makes rewarding strategies and thus strengthening the same experience. All this taking into account that a significant experience, as MEN (2009) mentions, must contain characteristics such as being a concrete practice, systematic evidence, self-regulated and contextualized.

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