Awareness of LGBT Students in an EFL Environments identidad de género

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Boris Cristian Cadena Murga
Daniela Fernanda Guano
Verónica Maribel Salazar
Sandra Paulina Porras Pumalema


gender identity, sexual orientation, discrimination, intervention strategies, counseling


Classroom have become into the battlefield to combat gender disparity and gender identity: the pedagogical process in the appropriate tool; the methodological strategy in the awareness strategy; the resources (laws, codes, international declarations) in the shield that protects; and evaluation on the destruction of discrimination and the outpouring of gender equity and sexual orientation. This is a great cultural, educational, social and historical problem. This review of literature includes global social processes undertaken with the aim of achieving gender equality but above all raise the awareness of those involved in educational processes to face directly, without taboos and much less discriminatory, the sexual and gender orientations that the students decide to assume, which generate conflict of acceptance, bullying and even in extreme cases suicide. Teachers and authorities of the Ecuadorian Education System must open spaces for dialogue at all levels within the educational community and overcome archaic or conservative societal mental models in the extreme.

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