Impact of the strategy "reading path" to students’ reading comprehension in english from the complementary training program at Normal Superior School of Sincelejo

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Nayarith Liseth Corena Martínez


English, teaching, education level, learning, language skills, reading proficiency, quantitative study


The purpose of this work was to determine the impact of reading strategies called Reading Path in the development of reading competence in English with fourth semester students from the Complementary Training Program at Normal Superior Educational Institution from Sincelejo. As a research method, a quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent control group was implemented. For the pre-test and post-test, the reading section of a Cambridge Key English Test (KET) was used. There was applied a pre-test and after the mediation, it was analyzed whether the application of the reading strategies instruction in reading comprehension processes in English produces positive results in the group which the intervention was implemented; subsequently, it was considered if there was an improvement reflected in the post-test. Other information collection instruments used were field diaries.

The results obtained revealed that the students from the experimental group considerably increased their score on the KET, so the calculation of the correlation and a test of contrast between the scores obtained in the initial and final tests was performed. They showed a positive direct correlation of 0.498, being this significant (p <0.05), therefore, it can be established that the students improved their performance on the post-test. Accordingly, it was concluded there are significant differences (p <0.01) among the means of the scores obtained by the students of the experimental group in the final reading comprehension test in English (Post-test) compared to the results of the initial test (Pre-test).


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