Pedagogic value of means. The mesoaxiological aproach

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José Manuel Touriñán López


Means, ends, means-ends relationship, Mesoaxiologic Pedagogy, Education, Education Knowledge


In a generic sense, the means are things, of whatever class it may be, which are used in decision-making process, in each specific situation. In the most rigorous sense of the pedagogical tradition, the media has always been linked to action and freedom of action. We qualify as means to all realities to the extent that they can be used to achieve in practice the realization of what we choose as the end.

In this work, I am talking about means that agents use in a means-ends relationship. In order to produce a decided change, it is not enough that the agents are present at the opportune moment, they have to do something. And one of the things that they have to do is to arrange the means within the means-ends relationship. The means are adjusted to the educational purpose and, therefore, to the meaning of education. There are no means outside the context of the end-mean relationship.

To educate, we transform information into knowledge and this knowledge is transformed into education. In Pedagogy we must distinguish between knowing history, teaching history and educating with history, for example. We must assume that we educate with and use the means in the full sense of the term "educate WITH", because everything belongs to education can be a mean in some specific case, regarding to a context of mean-end relationship.

But, in addition, in a logic way to approach to the means-ends relationship, it is necessary to speak  about Pedagogy as Mesoaxiologic one, because in the intervention it is necessary to legitimize, from the pedagogical approach,  the mean as educative, that is, to value it as educational, to adjust it to criteria of the meaning of 'education'.

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