Socio-economic analysis of the students for the assembly and implementation of a credit and contribution cooperative at the University of La Guajira, Riohacha headquarters

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Javier Dionicio Vargas Babilonia
Stella Monroy Toro
Isabel Carmenza Arregoces Julio


Diagnosis, Socioeconomic analysis, feasibility, students, cooperative of contributions and credits



As a result of the experiences lived as students and later as a teacher immersed in educational and administrative processes, it has been observed that the difficulties for the admission, permanence and culmination of fuller studies at the University of La Guajira, by parts of undergraduate and postgraduate students are affected in some of the stages mentioned above, due to the lack of economic resources, which is the reason for the idea of doing a socio-economic analysis to set up and implement a Cooperative of Contributions and Credits for Students and Alumni of the University of La Guajira Riohacha headquarters.

The foregoing if it is considered that the lack of economic resources is the cause that hinders the admission, permanence and satisfactory completion of the studies at the University of La Guajira, whereby students who access this institution seek funding of enrollments through the offices of administrative and financial subdirectories, either directly or through cross-accounts with teachers and administrators, which does not meet the needs of these students.

But as a consequence of all the inconveniences that have occurred in the last years of the ordinance 214 that indicates the gratuitousness of the education through subsidies of enrollment to the students guajiros, these have been affected as a result of the centralization of the royalties, there is a dark panorama for low-income students in the department of La Guajira, who hold high hopes that this will not happen. This is where the project is expected to have a greater social and economic impact.

The next project is to analyze the socio-economic situation of students in order to determine the feasibility of setting up and implementing a cooperative savings and credit cradle for university students.

The type of research is descriptive and for its development will be used as technique the application of survey in the compilation of the necessary information for the same.

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