Digital technology training in middle school and it´s installed technological capacity
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ICT, digital skills, junior school
With the aim of clarifying the question about what are the information and communication technology skills of secondary school students in the public sector in Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, Mx.?, this non-experimental research is carried out that seeks through the collection of information from the students enrolled in five junior schools corresponding to the public sector. We support this study with the activities that have contributed to the transformation of the educational process, in order to offer each new generation better opportunities to progress; Reflections are gathered about the policies issued by international organizations that postulate the creation of conditions for improvement in the quality, equity and relevance of educational services, focusing on the guidelines for the inclusion of communication and information technologies, being highly referred to in educational development programs. We found that the students' skills are at the desirable level of development according to the secondary school graduation profile. It will be necessary to channel the educational work program towards an efficient use of the resources that are available.
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