Closed solution to partial fraction expansion

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William Enrique Londoño Terwes
Juan Pablo Ramírez Ramírez
Guillermo Aguilar Herver
Javier Ramírez Romo
Imelda Karina Salinas Ocegueda


Rational Function, Partial Fraction, Recursive Solution, Field of Functions


The present work pretends to set forth a general methodology,
applicable to the study of rational functions.
In the field R[C], of rational functions over the complex field, we provide a recursive formula that gives closed
form solution to the problem of separating a rational
function into its elementary functions. The solution to
the coefficients of the partial fraction expansion can
be calculated recursively in terms of combinatorics
and elementary operations of complex numbers. We
deal with specific cases that are studied for the comprehension
of the general method, which is used in
the last section to find the general formula.

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