Challenges of pedagogy before the socio-educational inclusion of children, adolescents and young people with disabilities

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Regla Padrón Galarraga
Lázara Anais Granados Guerra


diversity, socio educational inclusion, pedagogy, challenges


Currently, Pedagogy as a science, faces the true contradiction between the need for a clear conception of human diversity and the socioeconomic processes that govern the world, supported by positions that exclude people with intellectual disabilities, who find smaller amount, their opportunities for social participation. These modes of action respond to the conceptions and traditional patterns of behavior, prejudice, fear and lack of preparation to educate people with special educational needs (SEN). Its development as a human being depends on what each society can build, based on the equality and equalization of opportunities of its members. Having a disability is not being disabled.

For pedagogy and especially for school, there is a clear and profound challenge: the urgent need for changes in conceptions, concepts, styles, methods and procedures for the socio-educational inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities. The issue of socio-educational inclusion and attention to diversity has become the center of scientific debate in recent years in different national and international spaces, where attention is focused on the education of people with SEN, or not on disabilities, and the most appropriate context for this purpose. In this sense, it corresponds to Pedagogy, face the challenges and give answers to the problems that in this process, hinder the achievement of quality in education for people with intellectual disabilities.

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