Arte-lier- pedagogical art strategies based on art, sensory experiences and expression for learning in early childhood
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art, children's education, playful pedagogical strategies, integral development
This article contains the investigative process of the design and implementation of a series of playful educational strategies based on art that aims to address the educational problem identified in the Preschool Colonitas CAJASAN of Bucaramanga (Colombia) in 2015, in a group of 34 girls and children from 3 to 4 years of pre-garden grade.
The problem corresponded to the excessive use of notebooks and learning guides, which limited the child's ability to express and made the learning process a tedious and mechanical exercise. This is how the art under the name of the Classroom Pedagogical Project: ARTelier enters into the context of educational action to dynamize, enrich and articulate the curricular contents and integral development
The research integrated the qualitative approach and action-research. To achieve its purpose, first, a proposal was designed that allowed curricular integration with art based on the interests expressed by the children, followed by its implementation and, finally, the evaluation of the impact of the proposal at a pedagogical and social level.
As a main conclusion, it stands out: the enjoyment of learning through global artists that favored the integral development of girls and boys who reached the proposed institutional achievements in a dynamic, innovative and artistic way.
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