Transformation of a learning community in a community of reading teachers, within the framework of the program all to learn

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Kelly Cristina Balmaceda Sulayvar


Community of Learning, Community of Teachers Readers, teacher training, sociocultural reading strategies, Everyone learn program


This research was carried out with Primary Basic teachers of the Educational Institution El Viajano de Sahagún, Córdoba, with the aim of applying socio-cultural reading strategies to achieve the transformation of the learning community (CDA) of the Todos a Aprender Program (PTA) in a community of reading teachers (CDL). This study was approached from the action research and, therefore, started from the need that was observed in the participating teachers regarding their reading practices and the approach of teaching it in the classrooms. The learning community was the pedagogical scenario in which, through reflection on the educational practice, the need arose to create joint actions to improve the reading practices of the targeted teachers, this scenario occurs within the framework of the All Program a Aprender (PTA) through its work methodology in Sittings of Work Located (STS) and CDA, which favored the collective reflection and the transformation of the CDA in a community of reading teachers (CDL). To this end, collective and individual reading strategies were implemented with the teachers, in order to provide them with the necessary spaces to become readers who could then develop different reading activities in their classrooms, thereby allowing the improvement in reading skills comprehensive of them and their students. To achieve this goal, part of the exploration of the needs versus reading and the application of discussion groups with teachers to recognize the conceptions that they had about reading and teaching and then, in the CDA, implement several Reading strategies from a sociocultural perspective, which were later observed in the development of the teachers' classes.

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