Educación disruptiva: sistema integral de formación para la enseñanza de la investigación

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Juan Carlos Franco Montoya
Albeiro Monsalve Marín


System of formation, Research, Formation in Research, University


The challenges that the scientific community and the society raise to the University have brought about a reflection on the function of research in the formation processes in the university. The following article has the purpose of answering the question:  How is formed an integral system of formation for the research education and the research management for teachers and advisors? The article is the result of a study, developed in the Catholic University of the East (Universidad Católica de Oriente - UCO for its abbreviation in Spanish), through a mixed methodology with a projective scope in which teachers, advisors and research students participated. The manuscript gives an account of the product of the findings and the discussion, which refers to the components that make up the integral system of teacher training and advisors that guide and accompany the teaching and learning processes of research.

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