Bottom-up strategy for data retrieval and data entry over front-end application software

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Rusel Cierto Trinidad
Alcides Bernardo Tello


data retrieval, UI, human-machine interaction, front-end, back-end, interaction design, data entry


Some people implement “pattern” and “best practices” without analysing its efficiency on their projects. Consequently, our goal in this article is to convince software developers that it is worth to make an earnest effort to evaluate the use of best practices and software patterns. For such purpose, in this study we took a concrete case system for geographical locations inputs through user interfaces. Then, we performed a comparative study on a traditional method against our approach, named “reverse logistic” to retrieve results, by measuring the time that a user spends to perform actions when entering data into a system. Surprisingly, we had a decrease of 59%   in the amount of time spent in comparison to the time spent on the traditional method. This result lays a foundation for feeding data from the typical final step and search based on string matching algorithms, speeding up the interaction between people and computer response.

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