Project of cognitive, affective and social intervention, for the improvement of the education degree for educational training processes

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Gloria del Jesús Hernández Marín
Leticia Arias Gómez
Silvia Estela Yon Guzmán


Tutoring, intervention, formative processes


The analysis of trajectory of the students of the educational program of the Licenciatura en Educación, allowed to generate a diagnosis that supports the elaboration of the proposal of intervention, which seeks with its strategies, make use of the principles and resources to strengthen the accompaniment of the students, Proposed in the Programa Institucional de Tutoría (PIT). Its design takes care of the dimensions: affective, cognitive and social through workshops directed to students, in multi - group tutoring, during the Institutional Horario Institucional de Tutoria (HIT), developed by teachers - tutors.

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