The bilingual argumentative text (Spanish-English) and the linguistic and discursive elections addressed by learning style in students in bilingual formation

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Neira Loaiza Villalba


styles of learning, bilingual formation, argumentative written bilingual competence, discursive and linguistic choices


The bilingual argumentative text (Spanish-English) and the linguistic and discursive elections addressed by learning style in students in bilingual formation


This paper displays some results of a doctoral thesis, of quantitative approach and non-experimental and cross-sectional design, in the field of the bilingualism in relation to the address that the styles of learning of modern languages students of intermediate level do with respect to the linguistic and discursive elections in the English and Spanish argumentative writing.  The predominant learning style in the sample of 47 students, to those who the questionnaire of styles of learning of Kolb was applied (1976), was the divergent one (72,3%). It was demonstrated, across a within-subject contrastive rhetoric analysis (Liu and Furneaux, 2013), that, in general, the student’s predominant learning style addressed to a great extent some of their linguistic and discursive elections in two petitionary letters in English and Spanish. Nevertheless, it is recognized that not only the learning style can affect these choices but that they also could be influenced by the nature of the language and the cognitive and affective characteristics that the argumentation –as a psycholinguistic ability of high linguistic, cognitive and metacognitive level– demand.

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