Level of engagement and its implications on the academic achievement in college students of health sciences of Unheval-Huánuco, 2015

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Miguel Alfredo Carrasco Muñoz
Cecilia Martínez Morales


Engagement, Academic Performance


The objective of this research was to establish the relationship between the level of engagement and the academic performance of the students of the health sciences at the UNHEVAL and also demonstrate the implication of the level of engagement in the academic performance of these students. For its realization was selected as population to students three professional academic schools of the health sciences at the UNHEVAL, then taking a representative sample of 194 students total evenly distributed according to the amount in each school. o assess the academic engagement was used the spanish version of the questionnaire Utrecht Work Engagement Scale Student or UWES-S (extended version of 17 items); the academic performance of the information was obtained through transcript provided by the academic unit of processes-UNHEVAL. The results show that in general there is no significant relationship between the engagement and the academic performance of students on what it is concluded that the engagement does not affect the performance; however, doing an analysis by schools has been found that if there is a significant relationship between the engagement and academic performance in students of Nursing and Midwifery respectively.

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