Potentialization of critical thinking in students from interdisciplinary pedagogical practices of teachers: an interpretive-comprehensive study

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Vilma Luz Benítez Salgado
Ingris Johana Benítez Salgado


Critical thinking, thinking skills, thought formation, dispositions and interdisciplinary pedagogical practices


The purpose of this research was to potentiate critical thinking in students from the interdisciplinary pedagogical practices of the teachers of the Academic Media of the Higher Normal of Sincelejo. The population was 60 young people and 5 teachers, who study and work respectively in the 10th and 11th grades. The study was qualitative, under the foundations of educational ethnography. He relied on the techniques of participant observation, interview as dialogue and as an instrument the field diary. It was carried out during four moments. At the time one carried out the bibliographic search and from the testimonies of the teachers, the critical thinking skills of the students of the academic average were identified. In a second moment the critical thinking was characterized and the instrument of information collection was designed, in the third moment, the designed instruments were applied and in the fourth moment the Atlas-ti software was supported for the analysis of the discourse obtained. It concludes with the conclusions where the points of meeting and distant between the participants stand out, the recommendations and a proposal on the part of the investigators to potentiate the critical thought.

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