Special education in Venezuela: a demand for Sapere Aude

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Maritza del Rosario Caraballo Rodríguez


Sapere Aude, special education, human condition, anthropoetics, diversity


Special Education in these times is an inhospitable path reduced to recipes of modalities that in many cases circumscribe special conditions to patterns of behavior and needs. The present investigation from the complex perspective, I attend to a framework reality of construction of the object of study with the categories of analysis: human condition, Special Education, diversity, Sapere Aude, complexity and anthropoetics. In this way, under the complex transparadigma; Trans that means beyond, the Special Education was analyzed from the claim of the Sapere Aude. Going to original ideas in the illustration and reforming Sapere Aude to these times. In the conclusions it was stated that it is a training attached to the human being, promoting the complexity of life, diversity as an enriching element of the learners, family and community, acceptance, individual differences, emotions, rhythms and styles of life. student learning and the availability of a transdisciplinary team that opens meeting spaces, look for lines of exit allowing to establish a dialogue between the actors of the educational process, considering all the potentialities and human essence in people with special educational needs. The anthropoetic category takes a turn including in the Special Education the renewed ethic, the one of the human kind, that demands the change of thought in the actors of the educational process provoking a liberation from the oppression to which they have been submitted. Sapere Aude, alludes to a minority of age that emanates in a need of understanding of the learners; to later, achieve its autonomy.

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