Journal Vol 8 No 5 Pedagogy Philosophy and Prenatal Education

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Yovany Ospina Nieto


Pedagogy, Philosophy, Prenatal Education


The editorial article of this issue 8/5 of the Bulletin Redipe Magazine argues three theses on which develops the statements expressed in the title: PEDAGOGY IS NOT PHILOSOPHY AND PHILOSOPHY IS NOT THE PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION. These are the following: the administrative development of the chair of pedagogy is not that of the chair of philosophy; The plurality of theoretical research in the field of education is a fact in the construction of knowledge of education and in pedagogy as a career; scientific disciplines and substantive academic disciplines can generate applied disciplines. There is applied pedagogy and there is a philosophy of education that is applied philosophy.

The following articles represent an equally important contribution to enhance training processes. This is the case of hopeful prenatal education. Of the relationship and tensions between emotional competence, personal well-being and educational style. Of the practice of mindfulness. Of intelligence and emotional education. Of early attention in children with disorder. From training for peace from initial education. Of the heuristic in the learning and the action in front of some challenges of the education superior.

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