Prenatal education: a hope for the future

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Carmen Carballo Basadre


Pre-natal education, responsible parenting, sexuality and love, preparation, conception, pregnancy, birth, pedagogy, child rearing


Based on the scientific discoveries in the last decades, pre-natal education could turn to be an agent of important social change as well as an alternative for humanity’s transformation. This perspective could be considered as the foundation for physical, mental, and emotional health of future human beings.

Given that teenagers are the future parents, it is important that they have access to prenatal-life information, in order to start preparing themselves. In this way they can be conscious and responsible when the moment comes to become parents.

Prenatal education embraces the respect for life, offering a complementary approach and a deeper perspective to the current sexual-education provided in the educational system. Prenatal education goes beyond basic information on how to avoid unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. It focuses on the idea of responsibility of what means to bring a human being to the world, how this is a shared interest, and how this has an effect on everyone.

Therefore, we emphasize the importance of the preparation stage before conception; as well as the importance of the moment of conception; given that this will leave a recording in the first cell that will be created.  Here is where the starting point of education for the new human being begins. This education will continue during the stages of pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding.

The outcomes obtained from groups tested in schools, give evidence of the interest that students have toward this topic. This shows the need to include prenatal education information in the schools’ curriculum as well as the need to transmit it to the community. We would give to future generations a useful and valuable legacy. This would contribute to raise human beings with a new parenting vision, which would foster harmony inside their families, and therefore the whole human family. This would be manifested in a new model of society based on peace, love and justice.

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