A challenge for education: a challenge for education. how to intervene with children with ADHD in ages between 5 and 7 years

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Olga Idaly Bedon Gomez


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, executive functions, intervention, neurobiological


In this time to talk about Early Care in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, it is necessary to design an intervention program, which should be aimed at strengthening the development of the basic brain routes of each child with ADHD, which is reflect in their learning and personal self-control and thus achieve the reduction of symptoms and an improvement in their executive functions:


Children with ADHD present difficulties in the development of their basic neurological tools to process visual information quickly and efficiently, leading to the reading process, which occurs simultaneously with the maturation of the rest of the central nervous system (Ferre et all 2000 ), in a quite significant percentage children with this disorder therefore have reading problems, both at the level of word processing- oculomotor problems, as well as the understanding of their meaning (fletcher et all, 1999). Likewise and as mentioned in the criteria of the American Psychiatric Association, there is one specifically described "often seems not to hear", which reflects that children with ADHD have problems of auditory information, which affects these The Central Auditory processing, that is to say the development of the auditory route that culminates the understanding and the language and the phonological decoding of the word, in the field of attention is especially important the attention of auditory type that has a close relation with the processing of the auditory background figure, among others. While it is true the correct functionality of the auditory route is necessary for daily life,


At school level, working memory is one of the essential tools to achieve good academic performance and for the integration of the active function by the frontal lobe, the human being depends on the central auditory processing and which was initially performed at the level of the medial nucleus of the thalamus and the primary auditory cortex (López-juez et al, 2004).

The motor development of the child triggers the development of all motor skills and with the addition of postural control, which generates the functionality of balance coordination and muscle tone, as everything in the human being is a process and its maturation culminates in the six (6) years and depends on two aspects: Functional: the number of motor opportunities, and anatomical: creation of brain circuits.

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