Identity and culture: a trip to the Raramuri roots
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Identity, culture, Raramuri
The purpose of this document is to explain if they are concepts are the same, ori f each one has its own meaning, as well as to explore the various variable that contribute to the identity of the ethnic group Raramuri in the Sierra Madre Occidental. The Construction of the identity is dynamic and that is why it is necessary to go to the archival and oral sources that give an interpretation of its process. The work consists
of two parts, the first one analyzes the various factors that constitute identity, comprehending how people see themselves and how they see themm from the outside and transfer concepts to how the inhabitants collectively perceive themselves. In the second part the cultural ter mis abalyzed as well as all those attibutes
and variables that exemplify a culture, with the purpose of specifying from the origins the identity factor that marks them, having as conclusión that the identity of a community must consider every historical process as construction which evidences acts of the present time.
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Hurtado Jorge Larrain* Alberto /Chile//Revista FAMECOS • Porto Alegre • nº 21 • agosto 2003
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