Mesoaxiológica Pedagogy, technical competence and education. The mesoaxiological approach

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José Manuel Touriñán López


Pedagogy, Pedagogical function, Educational relationship, Education, Pedagogical intervention, Mesoaxiological pedagogy, Knowledge of education, Pedagogical competence


Mesoaxiological pedagogy means evaluating as educational the mean or content that is used in the instructional process, adjusting it to meaning of education criteria. In this work, and from this mesoaxiological approach, it is argued about the following propositions:

  • Knowing, teaching and educating have a different meaning. The knowledge of education bases the nexus between specific pedagogical mentality and specialized pedagogical approach

  • By means of Pedagogy, we transform information into knowledge and knowledge in education, adjusting it to the meaning of educating and seeking the values-feelings concordance through the educational relationship in order to achieving the transition from knowledge to action

  • The pedagogical function is technical, not political. Education is a matter of political interest, but educational policy is not Pedagogy. The pedagogical function is a specific activity based on specialized knowledge of education, which allows to establish and generate facts and pedagogical decisions by means of the knowledge of education.

Therefore, it can be affirmed that in a mesoaxiological perspective we construct education fields, we do the educational design and we generate derived pedagogical intervention, regarding to intervention principles and to principles of education, which are based on the knowledge of education.

And if this is so, it can also be said that the achievement of a specific pedagogical mentality and a specialized pedagogical approach is the way to achieve pedagogical competence. The pedagogue is oriented to the foundation of the knowledge necessary for the construction of fields of education through the common activity of the educatee, regarding to the structural elements of the intervention: he has to know which is the capacity, as a pedagogue, for solving education problems and which is the critical vision achieved on his method and his acts, neither more nor less than any other professional which has university level.

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