Hegemonization of higher middle education in Mexico: philosophy as an educational rescue

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Alan Tonatiuh López Niño https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2208-4175


Hegemony, Education, Globalization, Modern neoliberalism, Higher Secondary Education, Educational reforms


The present article, starting from the institutionalization of globalization, tries to describe the educational interests of the higher average level imposed by the Mexican State. Therefore, education in Mexico is not an issue that escapes the global globalization process because the constant educational reforms that are proposed are in function to instruct people in a different way to the cultural field itself, where educational models have been proposed to From the conceptions of the neoliberal-modern system implemented by the hegemonic process of globalization. This reflects the primacy of training the student for productivity in a labor market, leaving aside the contextual, identity and cultural needs that the subjects in question require to think and act differently from the globalizing social conscience.

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