Conflict negotiation alternatives an option for peace

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Ana Rita Villa Navas
Clara Judith Brito Carrillo
Elvis Pinto Aragón


Alternatives, Negotiation, Conflict, Peace


The alternatives are identified through flexibility, options and relations during the negotiation in order to protect the defense of interests where the change of language that enables the true conciliatory dialogue is used, according to the importance of the results agreed by the parties in conflict, The alternatives are the product of the second objective of the research entitled Negotiation and Peace Network for the Development of the Post-Conflict in the Students of the International Business Program of the University of La Guajira Colombia, determinants of peace management that allow the understanding and coexistence through positive experiences in which the actors interact, give meaning to the negotiation environment and build the version of their own reality to propose options for lasting agreements in the face of difference. The negotiation alternatives offer a different proposal to a confrontation, the point of equilibrium in which the figure of the victor or the vanquished does not exist, only human connection meetings on their own account or going to a third party that promotes the handling of the dispute in seeks common benefit in a peaceful way, oriented decision-making where the parties through the word are committed to a sense of fairness, that is, are an option to resolve conflicts in a friendly, expeditious, simple, agile, efficient and with full legal effects, a challenge for educational institutions in post-conflict period, promote a culture of peace and strengthen in the short term the alternatives of conflict negotiation

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