What are we doing badly in education?

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Agustín de la Herrán Gascón https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9156-6971
Javier Manuel Valle López https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0146-3229
José Luis Villena Higueras


Improvement in education, society


In education, there are a series of maxims or constants that are usually accepted, as common sense. For example, from the technical-professional formation, the investigation and the pedagogical publications it is tried to improve the education and, from her, the society. It is also intuited that, at least, there are some aspects in this field that are wrong and that should change.

It costs more to see that, when thinking about what needs to be improved in education or its surroundings and how to solve it, it is usual to make an interpretive bias error when appreciating it. That is, it is considered that it fails or that it is not right that does not fit our convictions. Sometimes, what we believe is not based on sufficient training. On other occasions, yes, and it can be built sooner or later   of an elaborated knowledge.

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