Academic reinforcement and consolidation of mathematics learning in middle school students
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Learning, middle school students, mathematics, academic reinforcement
At present, various student support programs have been implemented in educational institutions in order to support students and enable them to achieve the learning objectives of each area and each educational level. Academic reinforcement is presented as a process that favors the consolidation of learning. This study analyzes and interprets the way in which academic reinforcement is applied by teachers and the way students perceive it, specifically in the Mathematics subject, which is considered as a complex discipline because its teaching is based in traditional methodologies, provoking in the students feelings of anguish, confusion and rejection towards it. The research is carried out with a qualitative and quantitative approach, because the data was collected through class
observations and checklists; in turn, they were statistically analyzed through the application of a PEARSON correlational test and an ANOVA variance analysis test. The work has been carried out in two educational institutions, one of a fiscal type and the other one, with the purpose of comparing information and obtaining valid and reliable results. The participation of teachers and students belonging to the fifth, sixth and seventh grade of Basic General Education was included.
The results obtained show that the academic reinforcement processes are not the ones that influence the consolidation of learning. On the contrary, the internalization of knowledge is due and is related to the quality of the teacher, which is undoubtedly a determining factor in the educational process. This highlights the importance of timely addressing each of the students’ needs and of assessing and improving the teaching practices of teachers.
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