Social networks and foreign language learning

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Derly Cervantes Cerra


foreign languages, social networks, teaching


This article provides a reflection about how social media has an impact in the process of learning French as a foreign language. To reach this goal, a documentary review was done from a group of publications selected randomly unintended. The purpose is to present an overview fairly clear on the use given to social media in the foreign language classroom; although is worth clarifying that the emphasis was on papers about French, the research with regard to English as a foreign language was taken into consideration too. Some authors with outstanding contributions are Rico, Ramirez y Montiel (2016); Ramirez (2012); Nunan & Richards (2015) among others, who researched about different implementations as well as pros and cons of the use of social networks in the foreign classroom. This research, included in the qualitative paradigm, is a bibliographic review and it offers among its most significant findings that the social networking does have an impact in the process of learning a foreign language; nevertheless, the complexity of this issue deserves further examination from the academy.

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