Teachers and their work as promoters of the solidarity value on the process teaching learning

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Carlos Adolfo Sanabria Valdés


Solidarity, Values, Critical School, Professors


Teachers are agents of change who can foster solidarity among students. This last idea is according to applying Critical School. One characteristic of this School is building knowledge in groups of working. In this last pedagogical model, students work in teams inside and outside of the classroom. When this kind of working is done, students of the team feed each other to give certain assigment to teacher who asked for it to students. Working in student´s goups foment collaboration and solidarity into each person of each team. Solidarity fostered by the teacher when he applied any technic of group, produced a sort of helping among students. Helping is one part of the solidarity of human being. That one is a value that recognice life of another human being y his dignity as a person. The teacher is an agent of change to foster the solidarity through the process teaching - learning, specially when the teacher applies the work in groups in the classroom.


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