Influence of ABP on the Reasoning Level of Higher Education Students
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Reasoning, problem-based learning, education
The reasoning ability allows the search of information, the analysis of the same and give solution to a certain problem situation to solve; For its strengthening, it has become necessary to include didactic strategies in the teaching-learning processes that facilitate their development, one of these strategies is problem-based learning. The present research aimed to determine the influence of the Problem Based Learning strategy on the level of reasoning of a group of higher education students. Sampling was non-probabilistic for convenience working with 31 students from the course of VI semester Structures and Psychopathology of the psychology program of the University Corporation Minuto de Dios - Ibagué Regional Center. The methodological approach is quantitative of quasi-experimental design of transectional type with pre and post application of the Lawson s Classroom Test of Scientific Reasoning. Between the pre and post application of this test students were instructed to use the ABP strategy in the development of an activity of the mentioned course. Within the results obtained, the classification of the test in the concrete, formal and postformal levels is a slight increase in the number of subjects that went from the concrete to the formal classification. However, with the main analysis of these results it was possible to conclude that the differences between phase and phase are not significant in relation to the expected, due to factors such as the time limitation for the application of the ABP.
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