Reading and low school performance comprehension

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Consuelo de los Ángeles Molina Ibarra


Reading comprehension, school performance, levels of reading


A vital tool within the educational field, to access knowledge and the construction of reality is reading comprehension. It plays a significant role in human development. The aim of this research es to determine how reading comprehension influences the school performance of seventh grade students in the Manuelita Sáenz Educational Unit. It has been observed that the problem of Reading comprehension that is presented in international literature as one of the main difficulties that lead to low school performance. Different investigations carried out in Chile, Peru, Spain, Mexico, highlight the interrelationship between these two aspects and consider that an important factor to achieve a high academic performance is that student  are able to extract information, interpret what they read and infer the meaning, as well as critically evaluate the content of the text, which would also increase the vocabulary and therefore their significant learning. This can be seen in several authors. In order to determine the level of Reading comprehension, an assessment was applied to the  15 seventh grade students of the above-mentioned educational unit. Different indicators selected by the author were used in different contents approached in the subject of Language and Literature. The research that will be applied is of the descriptive explanatory type. It was corroborated that there is a close relationship between the level of reading comprehension and the low academic performance in this group of students.

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