Educating from the ethical experience of the other

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Pedro Ortega Ruiz


Education, anthropology, ethics, narration, experience, new birth


Anthropology and ethics go through educational action from beginning to end. They are their necessary references. Education, like ethics, is an encounter with the other that demands welcome and recognition from the authority of the vulnerability of its face.  All educational action, like the ethical response, is unique, original and unrepeatable, so it is never extrapolated to other individuals or situations. It constitutes a new birth, the beginning of something new. This requires not only a different way of thinking about education, but also a different way of putting it into practice, a new practice. This is found in the narration of the life experience of each student not only the most appropriate strategy, but the very content of the educational action. The beginning of something new, the birth of a new creature are the figures that best describe education as an act and as a process. 

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