Childhood geometry teaching and storytelling

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Lizet Fernanda Pabón Hernández
Jhan Piero Rojas Suarez
Mawency Vergel Ortega


storytelling, geometry, language skills, academic performance


The research aims to analyze the influence of the story on children's learning of geometry. The methodology involves teamwork among teachers, students and parents, under the mixed research with correlational quantitative descriptive method, and qualitative following the action research built in four moments, which allowed the presentation of a booklet with stories written by 115 children from third and fourth primary school in the municipality of Cúcuta. Results: dimensions of planning, motivation, pedagogical practice, language and interpretation were identified in the implementation of the strategy; characteristics that support the geometry competence construct are related to the capacity to motivate children through the story, generate improvement in school environment and promote the recognition of their qualities in character creation and in the adequate use of mathematical language. Conclusion: The storytelling teaching strategy had an impact on the development of language and geometry skills in boys and girls in the third and fourth grades in Cúcuta, Colombia.

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