Electromagnetic knowledge associated with the operation of the transformer in the loader of a cell phone

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Daniel Tejada Pérez
Jhonatan Daza Daza
Ever De la Hoz Molinares
Juan Pacheco Fernández


Contextualized situations, Electromagnetic Knowledge, Transformer of a Cell phone charger, Teaching of Electromagnetism


The content of the Physics Courses and in particular the electromagnetism course is presented in isolation, as subjects without any interaction and little contextualized with their professional profile and with the technological advances of today's society. In search of improving the teaching of the general Electromagnetism course in the Engineering and Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics and Physics at the University of Cesar, the ECINAMA Educational Sciences in Natural Sciences and Mathematics research group, with its FIEDUSICO Y PENSAGEO research seedbeds, they proposes a teaching of Physics and Mathematics through contextualized situations, with the purpose that students apply the knowledge and skills associated with situations, such as the operation of a cell phone charger. In this research, the first phase of the knowledge associated with the aforementioned situation is presented, through the general problem: How does a cell phone charger work?

The operation of a cell phone charger has the following: transformation, rectification, filtering and regulation. The study presents the electromagnetic knowledge associated with the transformation process performed by a single-phase reducing transformer of a cell phone charger. The methodological design followed in this research consisted of: characterizing the type of transformer of most cell phone chargers, and identifying the electromagnetic phenomena present in its operation and determining the school knowledge that explains the phenomena presented.

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