Mathematical modeling, a strategy for the education of statistics

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Roberto Carlos Caballero Florez
Marlon de Jesus Rondon Meza
Lacides Alfonso Baleta Palomino
Teovaldo García Romero


Mathematical modeling, teaching, pedagogical strategies


This article socializes the research experience taken from the project “Teaching statistics: a challenge addressed by mathematical modeling” financed by the Popular University of Cesar in its 2018 call, applied in 2019 with students of grade 5 of primary basic level, in an official institution located in the Jagua de Ibirico carboniferous area of ​​the department of Cesar (Colombia).

A set of didactic strategies focused on mathematical modeling are implemented, with which the students begin with a scheme of problem situations in their context until the construction of a mathematical model, centered on the graphic representation where they describe each situation, comparing each of they and thus they are familiar or morning, to solve some real or hypothetical situation that is common in their daily lives.

Likewise, these models may have problems that are interdisciplinary solved and that their relationship is transversal to different areas of knowledge.

With the design and implementation of these strategies for the teaching and learning of statistics, the teacher goes from being a traditional educator of the exact sciences to having a teacher-researcher role and the student assumes a learning rhythm as proposed.

The data obtained provided us with information that corroborates the initial hypothesis about school performance, since they are useful to the process of teaching primary school children.

Theoretical lines have been developed around modeling with the same paradigm and different profiles based on the theories of Bassanezi (2002) and Biembengut & Hein (2004). Which propose the construction of models based on the context and the social and cultural environment of the student.

The Ministry of National Education (1998,2006)  makes a very important contribution of how significant the modeling process is and it involves them in the solution of real problems that can later be mathematized and in general that those learnings are significant. In that sense, Villa (2007), which contemplates the modeling process in accordance with the basic standards of competencies and in our case, strengthens the knowledge tests in addition to the appropriation of basic learning rights.

Likewise, in the subsequent test, a higher performance of each student was found. Therefore, it has been possible to generate spaces for communication with classroom teachers, where they have reflected on the different strategies used in the classroom to achieve better student learning and in turn generates a challenge in each of them in relation to the role Teacher research.

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Bassanezi, (2002). La enseñanza y el aprendizaje con la modelización matemática: una nueva estrategia

Biembengut & Hein (2004). Modelación matemática y los desafíos para enseñar matemática.

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Villa J. (2007). La modelación como proceso en el aula de matemáticas: un marco de referencia y un ejemplo. Recuperado de