Analysis of musical training in curricular programs of Chilean Preschool Education

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Emanuel Cerebello-González
Eduardo Sandoval-Obando


Musical training, curricular meshes, preschool education, initial education, neurosciences, music


There is scientific evidence about the positive impact of music on the biopsychosocial development of the human being. However, the academic institutions that form preschool educators assign little importance to the formation of musical skills for professional performance. In fact, the curricular bases of pre-school education recently published by the Ministry of Education in Chile do not give an account of the importance of musical resources as an autonomous and cross-sectional artistic language in the three areas of learning experiences described there. This article seeks to expose the curricular relevance of music education in the institutions that form preschool educators in Chile. Specifically, a critical evaluation is carried out around the curricular bases for preschool education adopting a quantitative, descriptive, transversal and non-experimental design. In order to obtain data, the hourly load of the subjects related to artistic, didactic and particularly musical language of 23 curricula of Chilean university institutions was analyzed. As inclusion and exclusion criteria, training with curricular meshes published in their web portals at the date of the investigation were considered. The results reveal a low percentage of hours designated for musical expression (91% of the institutions analyzed have only one semester of training in the subject), as well as the absence of the subject in 17% of the institutions that participated in the study.

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