Brand positioning in colombian universities: a challenge for education or marketing strategy

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Nevis Balanta Castilla
Luisa Stella Paz Montes
Diego Mauricio Álvarez Paz


Positioning, strategy, educational institutions, brand


There is no doubt the importance of the brand theme in cultures and especially for the Colombian one, in which brands are part of everyday preferences and become collective artifacts that permeate different fields, including education and culture. In this way, brands become lexical-semantic traces that reveal many elements of social and cultural memory in the Colombian market and context.

The brand is directly related to what it wants to publicize, with the image it is intended to create and the desired positioning; this differentiates a public or private university and its services from others, sometimes conceived as direct and indirect competitors and from all those that are not necessarily competitors but are also participants in a market that has fewer and fewer students enrolling. In higher education, all of this poses challenges in defending a brand or good name and in creating educational marketing strategies used by institutions to promote themselves and to survive the current crisis of private universities and the decrease in students and desertion even in public ones.

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