The nicknames in Colombian higher education

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Nevis Balanta Castilla


metaphor, nicknames, imaginaries and representations


This article focuses on the construction of imaginaries and representations about teachers by university students, who through metaphorization express shared views on the pedagogical and educational work of their teachers and even on their behaviour in everyday life. It also offers a repertoire of teachers' nicknames placed by young university students, who, among other semantic strategies, use the metaphor as the central axis to appoint their professors. The text also includes descriptive and explanatory elements about the action of nicking in an academic context. Also highlights the syntactic resources.


The text also includes descriptive and explanatory elements about the action of nicking in an academic context. It also highlights the syntactic and semantic resources that the student nickname uses to create the new name and talks about the motivations and characteristics of the nickname in its formation process, a novel and interesting topic in the field of educational research. The research is sociodialectal, since it deals with a part of the language and tries to establish relations between the linguistic and the sociocultural. To do this, a corpus of 700 nicknames was collected through surveys and interviews with 2000 students between the ages of 16 and 35.


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