The development of creative ideas for pre-writing in the english language case: “Francisco Huerta Rendón” high school

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Angélica Rosario Espinoza Llanos


mother tongue, foreign language, writing in English


The purpose of this article was to establish the incidence of techniques to generate ideas in pre-writing in the students of Basic General Education of "Francisco Huerta Rendón" High School of Guayaquil in the period 2019-2020.Aqualitative-quantitative methodological approach was used, 59 students of 151 belonging to the tenth year were evaluated, of which 44% were men and 56% women, using an observation guide based on the Likert scale, to determine the incidence of the problem in the sample studied. The results showed that 29% agree that it is difficult for them to organize their ideas and it takes them time to start short writings, 29% state that they do not notice that their teachers carry out procedures to be able to write easily, showing that only 15% totally agreed that teachers apply procedures to facilitate writing, noting that 32% totally agreed that teachers should be updated in relation to pre-writing techniques. It is concluded that teachers do not have the necessary resources, they continue with a traditional teaching style and rarely apply techniques to facilitate the generation of ideas and it is offered a series of pedagogical recommendations that could be adapted to English classes in the development of writing.

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