Analysis of bioelectric signals as response to stimuli associated to the pedagogical mediation: a pilot study

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Carlos Andrés Cárdenas Valencia
Juan Carlos Castañeda Patiño


pedagogical mediation, stimulus, galvanic response, interdisciplinarity, cognition


This paper presents an analysis of the bioelectric response exhibited by students from a circuit course at the University of Quindío, when they are in class and are subjected to different stimuli generated by pedagogical mediation. For this, a device was implemented to measure the galvanic response of the skin and the cardiac pulse, using an Arduino card. These responses were measured in different classes, in which the teacher presented the concepts, presented images, and asked the students different questions. The data obtained was graphed in MATLAB® software. The analysis performed on the graphs obtained showed that the lectures, the presentation of graphs and the group questions within the classes did not generate changes in the galvanic response or in the cardiac pulse of the students, while the individual questions exhibited substantial changes in the response of the measured bioelectric signals.

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