Strategies to build peace in the region: contributions from the faculty of education of the University of Nariño

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Nelson Torres Vega
Francisco Javier Torres Martínez
Edgar Guillermo Mesa Manosalva


Peace, conflict, pedagogy, peace agreements, strategies


This article is derived from the research project: Pedagogical strategies to build peace in the region: Contributions from the Faculty of Education, University of Nariño, sponsored by the Vice-Rectory for Research, Postgraduate Studies and International Relations - VIPRI and developed by the Research Group for the Development of Education and Pedagogy - GIDEP, Research Line "Social Pedagogy". Its purpose is to analyze pedagogical strategies to build peace in the region, as a contribution from the Faculty of Education. In the framework of the peace dialogues, all the universities in the country have been invited to generate suggestions, to present proposals, initiatives and strategies aimed at building a lasting peace that contributes to economic, political, social and cultural development.

For this purpose, a research process focused on the teachers and students of the programs of the Faculty of Education was used, characterized by the following aspects: the research falls within the Qualitative paradigm, with an ethnographic approach and participatory action method, including interactions between researchers and those investigated.

Among other conclusions, it stands out that the Faculty of Education of the University of Nariño, in its Educational Project, conceives the concept of didactics, such as theories and practices that are consistent with the pedagogical foundation and in consideration of nature, history and The epistemology of knowledge allows the development of didactic transposition processes that lead to the conscious and reflective appropriation of scientific knowledge. The foregoing constitute irreplaceable inputs for the construction of peace strategies with a view to strengthening the processes derived from the Havana agreement and the post-agreement, culture and education for peace, pacifism, conflict resolution, mediation, among others, to contribute to the construction of peace in the department of Nariño.

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