Comparation of two learning style models in a group of QFB students of the UACAM

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Marvel del Carmen Valencia Gutiérrez
Magnolia del Rosario López Méndez
María de Jesús García Ramírez
Brillante Zavala Centeno


Styles, Learning, CHAEA, VAK


In this research work a study about learning styles was carried out, it was on the students whose freshman year was on 2018 of the educational program of Pharmaceutical Chemical Biologist in the School of Chemical Biological Sciences School of the Autonomous University of Campeche. The study considers the classification of Honey and Alonso, also called CHAEA and the Neurolinguistic Programming Model of Bandler and Grinder of the Visual, Auditive, Kinesthetic channel (VAK). The questionnaires of the two style classifications were applied to the 27 students who entered   in 2018; then, after giving them a course about the styles, these instruments were reapplied to them in 2019. The results show that before the course, 24 students apparently had a specific preferential style considering the classification of  Honey  and  Alonso;  after  the  course   only 13  students  remained  in  a  single preferential channel. Regarding the VAK, before the course 16 students had a preferential channel, after the course 18 students had a preferential channel. The students were informed of the results of the Educational Program, so they could consider them in the development of their learning strategies and therefore strengthening their autonomous learning, which will contribute to increasing the educational achievement in the undergraduate level.

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