Training in labor skills for construction workers using the guidelines of monozukuri philosophy

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Alexandra Edith Ramírez Ibáñez
Erika Sofía Olaya Escobar
Carlos Andrés Aguilar
Hugo Fernando Castro Silva


training, learning, skills, performance, construction, monozukuri philosophy


The article introduces the design of a methodology based on the fundamental principles of the Monozukuri philosophy to train construction workers in skills, taking into account that this industry is intensive in unskilled labor, which impacts on the productivity and limits the potential for growth. The proposed methodology allows to improve the skills of the workers through a training routine designed specifically for the most relevant tasks, allowing them to execute the assigned task with the appropriate speed, in a precise and synchronous way. The methodology is based on three components, the first is related to the identification of the most critical construction processes. The second component focuses on a basic training program which is tailored to the profile of the worker; therefore, part of this component is the selection of human resources to train based on their biometric characteristics, concentration and skills capacities for subsequently define the skills development program. The final component is specific training, which addresses some concepts related to specific work, ergonomics, reconstituted positions and practical and standardized tasks. For the development of the work, applied research based on qualitative analysis was used, adapting the Monozukuri Genba methodology to the construction sector, where through the design and standardization of skills training routines, it allows workers to execute their work quickly, synchronized and with precision, which are fundamental aspects of a worker with skills in a specific job.

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