Self-regulation strategies and writing skills in english: A classroom project of primary school

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Andrés Felipe Mena Montoya
Lina Janeth Zapata Cano
Adriana Castro-Camelo
Francisco Conejo Carrasco


Self-regulation, writing, skill, motivation, learning strategies, tasks


This article arises as a reflection of the research named “self-regulation strategies in English writing: A classroom project to improve the fifth grader students’ performance of Institución educative Fe y Alegría of Bello Antioquia.” Written in the environment of the Virtual and Distance Master’s Degree in Education of Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios. The objective of this study was to analyze the self-regulation strategies that influences in the learning process of the fifth grade students of the public institution on the writing skills performance in English. For this, individual interviews were conducted to every single fifth grade student in order to inquire about the steps implemented at the moment of constructing the written productions in English, as so as the learning styles implemented to develop those activities. Likewise, a documentary analysis was implemented with the idea of establishing links between what the students know and the way in which they acquire a new knowledge. Furthermore, to evidence the usage and control of learning strategies in every single tasks from the English class. This research  was developed under the qualitative approach based on the inductive method. As information synthesization method, excel and google forms were used. Those tools let the later analysis of the different data collection instruments.

Like main findings, this study reveals that the students support their English class texts on the view that is provided by a reviewer like an adult, a tutor, or their parents. This, due to those reviewers give security on the work done. Furthermore,  for the students to generate attitudes that allow to improve self-regulation in their process, it’s mandatory to establish study habits. Among the found in this study, it is evidenced that students prefer to do exercises proposed in silent and quiet studying environments, since this way their academic results are optimized.

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