Evaluation of metacognitive awareness in middle school students from sciencclass
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Metacognitive Skills Inventory (MAI), Metacognitive Awareness, Science Education, Evaluation
The purpose of this research work is to show the analysis of the results obtained in the application of the Metacognitive Skills Inventory (MAI) that was applied in order to investigate the similarities and differences of the metacognitive awareness of a group of 15 students of academic average from the La Victoria Educational Institution, with specific sociocultural characteristics in a science class. This is part of the initial identification of the processes that make up the impulse of metacognitive awareness, as a platform for a didactic approach. A descriptive quantitative methodology is denoted, while the MAI is a self- report test and its response options are located on a Likert scale. The results showed trends in some categories of the test and disparities in others, which were the object of reflection on the abilities that students have in terms of their metacognitive processes.
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