The blog: facilitator tool for english teacher creators

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Astrid Ramirez Valencia
Luz Marilyn Ortiz Sánchez
Julio César Arboleda


blog, new teacher, creator, interaction


Current world conditions require a teacher who is in permanent connectivity with the environment, due to their need to interact and communicate, and particularly to be listened to in the knowledge context, which includes their educational skills. In this article, we will deal with blogs in particular, because they enable connectivity, establishing relationships between teachers involved in a discussion group.

This article tried to determine the effectiveness of the use of the blog with pedagogical purposes in this group, as it is an alternative that contributed to their condition of creators, giving answers to the multiple situations that were presented in a school context, especially when they were immersed in the school. The information presented in this research was collected by a discussion group organized in a blog, where their opinion and academic argument in teaching practice was expressed, as well as several scientific articles written by the researcher related to the issue of English teacher training.

The results obtained in these narratives demonstrate the effectiveness of using a blog, when it becomes a vehicle to promote interaction between colleagues, giving the opportunity for discussion around daily problems, which, as new teachers, raise their interest, concern and attention. (150-200 words).

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