The world of cyberculture and pedagogy in socio-affective education

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Luz Marilyn Ortiz
Astrid Ramírez
Julio Cesar Arboleda


Cyberculture, socio-affective education, cognitive processes, complex thinking


The purpose of this paper is to reflect in a critical and generative way on the need to assume and optimize the knowledge of both students and teachers in the current cybercultural context, which leads to respond assertively to the multiple demands of education focused on mass-media in the context of pandemic.

The pandemic context we are currently living is not only transforming human and affective relationships but also such an important pillar as education, which implies the search and generation of answers to such an unexpected fact. Therefore, in this communication some reflections are contemplated from the processes of cognitive thinking and complex thinking with which the mechanism and pedagogical strategies that go beyond the presential are established propositively with the purpose of going through these media impositions to generate other means of construction, deconstruction and educational and emotional scopes in front of the new cybercultural spaces that demand the flexibilization and reorientation of the traditional curricular processes. For, according to Serres, (2012).

“this decisive change in education - a change that is gradually affecting the entire space of world society and all of its obsolete institutions - a change that not only touches, but also affects the whole of the world’s society and all of its obsolete institutions, a change that not only touches, and by far, education alone, but also undoubtedly work, enterprises but also undoubtedly to work, business, health, law, politics and, in short, the whole of our institutions - we feel that we have an urgent need to do so, but we are still far from it”. (p. 11)

These insights undoubtedly lead us to respond to the current demands of the role played by the academy and society in the new physical and virtual scenarios in which learning takes place today.

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