What do students with intellectual disabilities think about inclusive education?

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Ernesto José Cañabate Reyes
Agustín de la Herrán Gascón


Inclusive education, bioethical principle of autonomy, bioethical principle of beneficence, bioethical principle of justice, bioethical principle of non-maleficence


The research approaches the knowledge of inclusive education from an axiological and bioethical perspective, from the perspective of adults with intellectual disabilities who participate in a training program. The objectives aim to understand in depth how the participants value the inclusive process they develop, the inclusive education and the achievement of their quality of life. To this end, fourteen interviews are conducted with 14 adult students with disabilities. The analysis of the results made it possible to conclude that there are sectors and people who do not share the approach of inclusive education. On the other hand, inclusive education, as the very object of education and pedagogy, needs to be built from reflection and the factors necessary for the family, society and school to converge. Finally, it is concluded that, in order to improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities, an optimal school environment must be created for their human relations and an atmosphere of trust, where the well-being and development of these students is promoted. At the same time, it implies that institutions and teachers must be prepared to develop the necessary actions to fulfill this objective.

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