Didactic-mathematical knowledge in basic and media teachers

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Raúl Prada Núñez
Audin Aloiso Gamboa Suárez https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9755-6408
Cesar Augusto Hernández Suárez


didactics, teaching of mathematics, knowledge of the teacher, basic education


This research article shows a quantitative- descriptive analysis of   the   characteristics of a group of practicing teachers who guide the subject of Mathematics in various official educational institutions in the city of San José de Cúcuta - Colombia. A questionnaire was applied to 73 teachers from 13 public institutions applying non-probabilistic sampling for their selection under the application of the intentional sampling technique. The results show that the mathematical conceptions and   knowledge that the teachers have guide their pedagogical actions and are related to the preparation of the classes, the activities in the classrooms, the didactic resources that they implement in the teaching process and the evaluation of learning.

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