Conceptions of science teachers on the teaching of natural sciences and environmental education in post-conflict contexts and its impact on the ecosystems of the department of Huila

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María Del Mar Ordoñez Ardila
Jonathan Andrés Mosquera
Elías Francisco Amórtegui Cedeño


Education, Environmental impact, armed conflict, teaching of Natural Sciences


The following article describes the obtained results after inquiring 68 Natual Science and Environmental Studies educators. These educators have been working within private and public educational institutions located in the South-West region of Colombia. The investigation project in which the educators have been allocated is called “Concepciones del profesorado de ciencias naturales y educación ambiental sobre la repercusión del conflicto armado en los ecosistemas del Departamento del Huila”. This investigation project has been funded under the scholarship: Pasantía del Programa Jóvenes Investigadores e Innovadores granted by the Ministry of Science, technology and innovation- Minciencias through the agreement N° 856 of 2019. The scholarship was awarded via the Minciencias policy and Universidad Surcolombiana in Neiva-Huila. Firstly, the purpose of this investigation was to examine the understanding each educator had in relation to the repercussion of the armed conflict in ecosystems in the Huila area. Secondly, to study the importance of teaching science in the post-conflict context. During this investigation, the ideas were found to be taught in a very holistic way, where the educators have the human being as a key element that is integrating into nature rather than an isolating element. Additionally, the educators determined that through their science teachings, they become the dynamiting role models for their students in order to construct peace in the post-conflict era.

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