Recognition of variation in spanish school texts

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Mireya Cisneros Estupiñán
Clarena Muñoz Dagua


Speech community, register, linguistic variation, discourse, speaker, textbooks


Linguistic variation is a topic that invites debate in current educational settings. Although, in many studies it is recognized that school institutions have a significant impact on the construction of their students’ discourse, fewer works analyze and explain how the practices of exclusion and inclusion of differences between speakers and educational subjects are found registered and systematized in the texts that serve as a guide and reference for the teacher and the student in training. From this perspective, the present work is interested, on the one hand, to specify the contextual conditions that should frame the study of linguistic variation, based on the category of Registry of Functional Systemic Linguistics (Halliday, 1982) and, on the other, present arguments for the formulation of a proposal aimed at recognizing the differences in the linguistic uses of those who come from different speaking communities. In this way, based on a corpus made up of Spanish texts from the first to the fifth year of elementary school, the situation factors that determine the linguistic characteristics of the school texts that are a reference for Colombian children in their training process are shown.

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